Friday, October 22, 2010

Where O' Where have i been?

How about here, there and everywhere ......Work and school are creating a huge pressure cloud over my head and after seeing my PCP this week her advice is something's got tot give .....Okay ..what? Graduation is a stone's throw away ....and work ..well.we all know how that goes ....I'm trying to take very DEEP breathes and now get myself into overload mode about every little thing. Tomorrow will come and Life will go on ....
I do luv the Fall so much and have been noticing the trees especially This week are Turning into all those beautiful colors ....can't wear them with my skin tone ..but do luv them ....Tim got tics to the Ravens game on Sunday so I am excited about that .....We're also getting a new sofa and love-seat on Monday thanks to my loving pooch Nana-Rose ....long, long story there that I wil l save for another post ....
take care all...I promise I will definitely try to do better with my blog....